Objective 3: Community Allies

Working together as a community makes you stronger… and whole community action is key to a successful Plastic Free Community. Ensuring as many people as possible are aware of the plastic crisis and how they can take action offers the best chance for change.

Surfers Against Sewage, Community Toolkit

What needs to happen

Community Groups and Schools can help the campaign through education

  • To demonstrate diverse community involvement in order to spread the plastic free message. To engage as many groups and organisations as possible through action, events and awareness raising.

Campaign Progress

In Progress

We are working with Councillor Susan Smith to engage with local community groups.  Cllr Smith chairs the Highcliffe and Walkford In Bloom group and is a representative of the local Parish Council.  She has many contacts in the community and can assist with adding news to the local publications.

We have made contact with some of the community groups in the area and are working to identify others

  • Highcliffe Community Association have advised that they have already removed plastic where possible: Plastic drinking cups and straws are not allowed, no plastic cutlery is used, biscuits are purchased in bulk and aren’t in individual plastic packets, they have no food in plastic wrappers.
  • Rothesay Lodge are interested in being involved and we are going to see them soon to talk about all things plastic free

We are waiting to hear back from:

  • Scouts
  • Guides and Brownies
  • Trefoil Guild