Objective 1: Local Governance

Councils are in a unique position to lead change. They act as consumers, using single-use plastics in canteens, meetings and during the daily running of all their premises. They are influencers, many having direct access to the running of local schools, businesses, community organisations and waste management. They work as a political body, often with cross-party members, and by showing unity on an action they can install confidence and determination to succeed.

Surfers Against Sewage, Community Toolkit

What needs to happen

The Council has to make commitments to support the campaign

  • Council must lead by example to remove single-use plastic items from their premises
  • Council to encourage plastic-free initiatives, promoting the campaign and supporting events
  • A representative of the council must be named on the Plastic Free Community steering group

The Local council (Town, Parish or Community) passes a resolution supporting the journey to Plastic Free Community status, committing to plastic-free alternatives and plastic-free initiatives within the constituency.

Campaign Progress


We have two levels of Council support for the campaign:

  1. Highcliffe & Walkford Parish Council
  2. BCP Council

Highcliffe & Walkford Parish Council

Cllr. Nigel Brooks responded to our request for help in getting the campaign before council. The campaign was discussed and it was agreed that the council acknowledges and supports the journey to Plastic Free Community status.

This extract from the minutes was provided the Clerk, Highcliffe & Walkford Parish Council

19/185 Plastic Free Initiative Cllr Brooks tabled a paper (attached) and gave a resume on the Plastic Free Community initiative. After some discussion Cllr Brooks Proposed and Cllr Smith seconded that this Council acknowledge the initiative and support the journey to Plastic Free Community Status. Agreed. Cllr Smith volunteered to sit on the Steering Group on behalf of the PC.

BCP Council

In the wider area, the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council – under which the Parish Council sits – declared a climate emergency in July 2019 and are fully supporting community plastic-free initiatives.

On 11th December 2019, the Council outlined 153 measures to be taken or considered to achieve carbon neutral status by 2030, as shared by the local newspaper at this link:


Items 36, 83 and 84 are of particular interest to this campaign:

36.   Support community single-use plastic free initiatives

83.   Seek to progress towards single-use plastic-free status and support community plastic-free initiatives

84.   Seek to minimize or cease the sale of single-use plastics and encourage alternative materials throughout our retail operations

At the Council Meeting on 17th December 2019, the action plan was backed by Councillors, as reported in the local newspaper at this link:


The minutes are not yet available online.

A regular meeting has been established with BCP Council that involves all communities working towards Plastic Free Community status within the Council’s area:

  • Plastic Free Poole
  • Plastic Free Bournemouth
  • Plastic Free Higcliffe-on-Sea
  • Plastic Free Christchurch will hopefully be starting up this year and they have also been invited to this meeting

The meeting is attended by officers from the council, representing relevant departments:

  • Councillor Felicity Rice, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change
  • Waste Strategy Manager, Environmental Services
  • Policy Development Manager, Environment
  • Operations Manager, Tourism
  • Senior Waste & Resource Officer, Environment & Community

The first meeting was held in November with a follow up in January 2020. The next date is pending.

Contact has also been received from the following Council teams who are keen to be involved:

  • Development, Regeneration and Economy
  • Destination and Development

All of this is enabling the campaigns in the different areas to proceed with the support from the Council as a whole and enables everyone to discuss issues and to work together to put new solutions in place.  It is a fantastic forum for the Council and the community to work together to achieve results.