Information for Community Groups

Find out about the objectives and how you can get involved and be Plastic Free Allies

Community action is the pathway to success for Plastic Free Communities. Ensuring as many people as possible are aware of the campaign and issue of single-use plastics, offers the best chance for change, reducing the amount of plastic pollution in our environment.

Surfers Against Sewage, Community Toolkit

The way that community groups can get involved is through education and engagement. We need you to help spread the message through your groups and organisations to ensure that the plastic free message is reaching as many people as possible.

You can help by adding plastic free talks and workshops to your activities, by looking at any premises that you use or occupy and helping them go plastic free and by encouraging members not to use single-use plastics, for example by banning disposable cups or drinks bottles.

Get in touch if you would like us to help

Community Showcase

See who’s getting involved and what they are doing

The beach clean team organise quarterly beach cleans on Highcliffe Beach that are open to everyone to join.

Another exciting contact for the Plastic Free Highcliffe team, we are very much looking forward to meeting with the FOHBAC team soon to discuss how we can all work together in the community and how they can support the campaign.

Updates to follow!

Rothesay Lodge is a development of 48 retirement apartments and Plastic Free Highcliffe have been invited to visit and provide a talk for the owners. We are very much looking forward to this and will be providing a joint talk with the Leave Only Footprints team.

The Plastic Free Highcliffe team will stay after the talk to answer questions and chat about whatever comes up!

Updates to follow!

We are very happy to have been able to speak to Highcliffe and Walkford In Bloom who are supporting the campaign by helping with community links and by continuing to do amazing work in the village to keep it looking clean and beautiful. It’s not all about plastic here, they are planting as well.

We are putting dates in the diaries to get together for some litter picking events.

The Plastic Free Highcliffe team haven’t yet been able to get along to any of the regular events but we will be joining in as soon as we can!

Highcliffe Action Team are supporting the campaign by being a link for us with businesses in the village. We are very grateful for their help in getting the campaign message out there and encouraging people to get involved.

It’s not all about plastic for HAT, they do amazing work throughout the village with businesses and residents to make positive changes everywhere!

The Plastic Free Highcliffe team are looking forward to getting involved in local events wherever we can.