Get your restaurant or takeaway to replace single-use sachets with refillable and reusable containers.
Get your restaurant or takeaway to replace single-use sachets with refillable and reusable containers.
Share the impact straws can have on local wildlife with friends and family and tell them to refuse a straw when ordering a drink. If it is a must, there […]
Make sure you recycle any single-use plastic bottles and containers you come into contact with. These can become new products! Don’t waste plastic!
Remember to take your reusable bag each time you go shopping. Save yourself money and the environment in one action.
Discuss the use of single-use plastic in your favourite cafe and challenge them to reduce their use of it. Wooden stirrers and reusable coffee cups make immediate positive impact.
Encourage local cafes, pubs and public spaces to make sure drinking water is readily available and remember to carry a reusable water bottle with you