Plastic Free Highcliffe, Plastic Free Highcliffe-on-Sea
Find out what you can do as an individual to get involved in the campaign
Community Allies
Find out how community groups can get involved and who is already signed up
Business Champions
Click here to find out what businesses can do to join the plastic free campaign and to find out who is already involved.

Business Awards
Community Pledges
Welcome to Plastic Free Highcliffe-on-Sea
We live in a plastic world. It’s an extraordinarily useful, versatile, cheap material. It’s everywhere and it’s a growth industry, with one in every ten barrels of oil now used to create new plastic. But together, we can make sure we kick our addiction to avoidable single-use plastic, and change the system that produces it. We can make sure we don’t choke our streets, parks and playgrounds with it. Because if it’s on our street today, then it’s in our rivers tomorrow, and our beaches and oceans forever. We can make sure each of us understands that we can change this, whoever we are and wherever we live. But we can only do all of this together. That’s why we’re proud to be part of our Plastic-Free Community. We’re part of a community network across the UK that’s tackling single-use plastic from our beaches, rivers and green spaces, all the way back to the brands and businesses who create it. We’re on a journey to unite our community in the fight against single-use plastics, wherever we find them. It starts here and it starts with us. And if you’re still reading this, that means you too. So join us and let’s free where we live from single-use, one plastic bottle at a time.
Get in touchOur Objectives
Objective 1: Local Governance
Objective 2: Business Champions
Objective 3: Community Allies
Objective 4: Community Action & Events
Objective 5: Steering Group
Your Steering Group will amplify your Plastic Free Communities work and ensure it becomes a whole community effort. It will help embed action in the community and get projects, events and initiatives off the ground. An agreed strategy will keep the operation on track and ensure objectives are successfully met. Surfers Against Sewage, Community Toolkit Local group of stakeholders to meet at least twice per calendar year to discuss the progress of Plastic Free Communities locally; agreeing and setting direction, meeting objectives, and completing the application for Plastic Free Communities Approved status. The group must contain a local council representative. Members of the steering group haven’t yet been formally named, but the group is established in principal and will, we hope, be made up of members from the different community groups that have got involved with the campaign.
The Buzz
Here's a quick look at who is doing what to get involved with the campaign
Our third Plastic Free Champion is Hoburne Naish who are removing single-use plastics across all departments of the business and continuing to identify areas where improvements can still be made.

Hoburne Naish
We have a talk planned at Rothesay Lodge coming up, in association with Leave Only Footprints, to tell people what we are trying to achieve and how they can get involved. Updates to follow!

Rothesay Lodge
Plastic Free Allies
We are off to talk to Highcliffe St Mark Primary very soon to see how we can help get them involved in the campaign, updates to follow!

Highcliffe St Mark Primary
Plastic Free Allies
Highcliffe School are already well ahead of the game and are doing an amazing job of tackling single-use plastics in the school. See our Community pages for more information.

Highcliffe School
Plastic Free Allies
Our second Plastic Free Champion is Napoleons Bar who have removed plastic straws, plastic bags and stopped selling plastic water bottles. Since they received their award they have also removed plastic drink stirrers.

Napoleons Bar
Plastic Free Champion
Our first Plastic Free Champion is the Cliffhanger Restaurant who have removed plastic straws, plastic condiment sachets and plastic cups, introduced extra recycling capabilities and are working on what else could be changed.

Cliffhanger Restaurant
Plastic Free Champion
Our Gallery
See photos from the community on plastic free progress